Double marginalisation of women victims of trafficking: spotlight on Italy

Every minute twenty human beings forcibly abandon their own houses. We are witnessing one of the most substantial levels of migration ever registered. 65.6 million people around the world are forced to leave their country of origin, 22.5 million of those are refugees.

The Italian interior ministry revealed country has already surpassed 10,000 migrant arrivals in 2021. This paper explores a scenario involving women violence related to migration flows: human trafficking for prostitution.

Opening with the definition of human trafficking and the modality of this crime, often mistaken for smuggling, it will stress the double vulnerability of migrant women. It reconstructs the history of legislation at the International and European level to better comprehend the implementation of those instruments in Italian law. Since, The Italian model is evaluated as a best practice, founded on a victim rights-centred approach,a deep analysis examines the victim’s Protection System. Ultimately, it scrutinises and inspects the effectiveness of protection, and it gives a critical perspective on it.
